Following is information that may be pertanent to our efforts. Please click here for more information.
The Creative Arts Exchanges Program links American arts
administrators, artists and cultural institutions with their
counterparts in other countries by partially funding non-profit
institutional projects involving two-way international cultural
exchanges. Only U.S. non-profit cultural organizations may apply
for a grant under this program. The program fosters on-going
relationships between cultural organizations in the U.S. and abroad.
Grant awards cover program expenses including air fare, per diem,
and administrative costs, and are contingent on private sector
cost-sharing by the applicant organization. Grant competitions
are announced in the Federal Register. Project topics or country
preferences are established by the Department of State (DOS) and
its overseas personnel. Once a grant is awarded to a U.S.
organization, the DOS Program Officer and Foreign Service Officers
overseas work with a grantee to shape the exchange, select foreign
participants, and monitor the project. Recent project topics have
included: the arts as a tool for economic development; cultural
tourism; cultural heritage; conflict resolution strategies; and the
arts as a means to increase public awareness of societal issues.
Organizations both large and small have conducted successful Creative
Arts Exchanges. Preference is given to applications that include
reciprocal residencies by participants. The average amount of a
Creative Arts Exchanges grant is between $35,000 and $60,000. The
next open competition for Creative Arts Exchanges grants is scheduled
for Spring, 2001. Recent grant recipients include:
For further information, contact:
E-mail Tom Carmichael
1) The American
Association of Museums, for the International Partnerships Among
Museums Program;
2) American Dance Festival, for an arts managementprogram at Duke University;
3) The City of Chicago Department of
Cultural Affairs, for a residency program in arts management, visual
or performing arts;
4) Gash/Voigt Dance Theatre, for a creative
project focused on the roles of women in Greece, Turkey and the
5) Madame Walker Theatre Center, for a cultural heritage and
management partnership involving arts organizations in Ohio, Indiana,
Texas, New Jersey, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, South Africa, and Zimbabwe;
6) Mid-America Arts Alliance, for an arts presenters partnership
project with Mexico;
7) New York University, for an educational
theater project on health issues in South Africa;
8) and Theater
Communications Group, for a theater partnership project between
theaters in the U.S. and Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico.
Cultural Programs Division Staff (ECA/PE/C/CU)
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
U.S. Department of State
SA-44, 301 4th Street, SW, Suite 568
Washington, D.C. 20547
(phone) 202/619-4809
(fax) 202/619-6315