Glorious Galore

Glorious Galore (MP3)


(inspired by Daniel 4:10-13; 11:35; Luke 2:9-14 & The Relelation 21:10-27)

Isn't the vision glorious,
When there's more love for all of us?
Glorious galore,
Now, and forever more.

Touched once,
Then, again,
Every ounce,
Shall begin.
Listen with your heart,
Listen with your soul,
It's time we start,
To dish the dole.

This is the stage,
Open your cage,
This is the page,
Release the rage,
Listen to the sage...
This is the age.



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© 2003 The Philadelphia Spirit Experiment Publishing Company &
These graphics, images, text copy, sights or sounds may not be used without expressed written consent of Daniel.