

We require our attention
As divine intervention
No need for a seer to see
We create our destiny

Man is overactive
Holding the climate captive
Steadfast devotion
To our solution
For evolution

Interpret the signs
Of Man’s designs
Long-term consequences
To satisfy our instance
And, the lion dines

Working towards redemption
For future generations
Could be our salvation
Redeem the drudge and sludge
God as our judge

Chords: E/7/m/m7(11) A E / B7 A A G e; Part II @ 128 Beats Per Minute
Instrumentation: Vocals (TC-Helicon VOICELIVE and MiniNova Vocorder), Ibanez Acoustic Guitar (AW54CE), Fender Squire Mini Electric Guitar (Boss Digital Delay), Fender Jazz Bass (Boss Digital Delay), Keyboards (Korg PS60, Casio WK-3500, Yamaha PSR-740, MiniNova, MicroKorg)

The story of Daniel, as recounted in the Hebrew Bible, offers metaphorical parallels to the challenges and consequences associated with climate change.

  1. Captivity and Environmental Impact:
    • Story of Daniel: Daniel faces captivity in Babylon, a foreign land, due to circumstances beyond his control.
    • Climate Change: Human activities have led to environmental changes, impacting ecosystems and causing unforeseen consequences.
  2. Faith and Resilience:
    • Story of Daniel: Despite societal pressures to conform to Babylonian practices, Daniel and his friends maintain their faith and principles.
    • Climate Change: Dealing with climate change requires steadfastness in adhering to sustainable practices and values even when faced with opposing influences.
  3. Interpretation of Signs and Visions:
    • Story of Daniel: Daniel is known for interpreting dreams and visions that foretell significant events.
    • Climate Change: Scientists interpret environmental data and signs, providing insights into the consequences of climate change.
  4. Divine Intervention and Protection:
    • Story of Daniel: Daniel miraculously survives the lions’ den, symbolizing divine intervention and protection for those with unwavering faith.
    • Climate Change: Mitigating climate change requires divine-like intervention in the form of global cooperation, sustainable practices, and responsible stewardship of the planet.
  5. Long-Term Consequences and Redemption:
    • Story of Daniel: The visions in the Book of Daniel include prophecies about the rise and fall of kingdoms, suggesting long-term consequences for actions.
    • Climate Change: Human actions today have long-term consequences for the planet, and efforts to address climate change involve working towards redemption and sustainable practices for future generations.
  6. Theological and Symbolic Resonance:
    • Story of Daniel: The story of Daniel holds theological significance, with themes of faith, divine protection, and the promise of redemption.
    • Climate Change: Addressing climate change requires considering ethical, moral, and symbolic dimensions to ensure a sustainable and just future.

While not a direct analogy, these connections highlight how narratives from religious texts can be metaphorically applied to contemporary challenges such as climate change, emphasizing the importance of faith, resilience, interpretation of signs, and responsible stewardship of the environment.

According to the Hebrew Bible, Daniel was a noble Jewish youth from Jerusalem who faced captivity under Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon. Throughout his service to Babylonian kings, including Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus, Daniel remained steadfast in his devotion to the God of Israel. He shared this period of captivity with his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and despite societal pressures to conform, they held firm to their faith. God blessed Daniel with wisdom and the ability to interpret dreams, showcasing his unwavering commitment.

The Book of Daniel, a 2nd-century BC biblical apocalypse set in the 6th century BC, offers an account of Daniel’s activities and visions during his exile. The name Daniel itself means “God is my judge.”

In Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams, Daniel interprets a giant statue representing four kingdoms, with God ultimately establishing His own kingdom. Another dream involves a great tree destroyed by a heavenly decree, foretelling divine judgment. Daniel’s visions include symbolic representations of historical events, such as the rise and fall of kingdoms, and a struggle between the “king of the north” and the “king of the south,” culminating in the establishment of God’s kingdom on Earth.

One notable event from Daniel’s life recounts how Persian King Darius I condemned him to a night in a lions’ den for his unwavering worship of God. Miraculously, Daniel emerged unharmed.

Overall, Daniel’s narrative is a testament to resilience and faithfulness, offering profound lessons about enduring faith even in the face of adversity.

Music as a Universal Language: Music has the power to communicate emotions universally. Certain melodies, harmonies, or rhythms can evoke specific feelings that resonate with people across different cultures and backgrounds.

ExperiMental Music: The music and lyrics are written and recorded extemporaneously. Extemporaneous, spontaneous, improvisation, jamming, freestyle, and impromptu music are most closely related to pure chaos. The music and lyrics evolve from the "sensitive initial conditions" similar to "a butterfly flapping its wings in China causing a hurricane in the Atlantic."

Our climate model employs chaos theory to comprehensively consider human impacts and projects a potential global average temperature increase of 9℃ above pre-industrial levels. Global warming is a consequence of elevated thermal energy in the climate system, which comprises various subsystems. Chaos theory underscores the intricate and nonlinear nature of dynamic systems. Human well-being is compromised above a 1.5-degree temperature rise, rendering much of the Earth uninhabitable. A 9-degree Celsius increase would bring the Earth close to a wet-bulb temperature incapable of sustaining human life.

What Can I Do? There are numerous actions you can take to contribute to saving the planet. Each person bears the responsibility to minimize pollution, discontinue the use of fossil fuels, reduce consumption, and foster a culture of love and care. The Butterfly Effect illustrates that a small change in one area can lead to significant alterations in conditions anywhere on the globe. Hence, the frequently heard statement that a fluttering butterfly in China can cause a hurricane in the Atlantic. Be a butterfly and affect the world.

What you can do today. How to save the planet.

Daniel in the Lion's Den


From the album The Echoes of Earth’s Wrath:
A Musical Journey Through Mythical Metaphors on Human-Induced Climate Change

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

The Philadelphia Spirit Experiment Publishing Company & KingArthur.com
These graphics, images, text copy, sights or sounds may not be used without expressed written consent of Daniel.