Petroselinum Crispum

Petroselinum Crispum (Parsley) / MP3

G7 / G9 / G


This Greek was no geek,
Spilling his blood,
For our food.

Keep the forerunner of death...
While you freshen your breath,
In an instant.

Put flatulence out of existence!

Good for your digestive system,
And, it'll  clear your skin,
Calm your nerves and help emotion,
With lots of vitamin A and C,
It's easy to see,
Why it helps me.

Is good for my cranium,
Minerals, iron and antioxidants,
Help make up for my culinary accidents.

It gives me the strength of a Roman Gladiator,
If drinking too much... I'll still feel O.K. later,
It fortifies and energizes... 
More benefits than one realizes.

Put flatulence out of existence!

Just in case, they're ingestin',
Your poison,
Let your guests,
Know they're the most,
Don't hesitate,
To put parsley on the plate.

Put flatulence out of existence!

Wear it as a crown,
Or, gobble it down,
Petroselinum Crispum,
Is good for one.

Parsley is a great plant for every gardener to grow! It winters well in almost all climates. After a freezing rain, you can eat it as though it were an ice cream treat -- a Parsley Popsicle. Another favorite is with orange cheese (the more orange color usually the more anti-oxidants) and a cracker. It can also be grown inside (in case you like to eat it first thing in the morning to get fresh breath.)

Parsley has long been thought to be an antidote for poisons. Greeks and Romans would put a piece on the plates of guests as a sign of trust. Perhaps this is why people leave it on their plates today... so as not to offend their host. However, the breath freshening and flatulence reducing qualities are much more likely to be appreciated. So, eat it up.

"The Greeks' fear stemmed from parsley's long association with death. According to legend, the plant first sprouted in the blood of Archemorus, the old fertility king, whose very name means "forerunner of death." Wreaths of parsley were laid on Grecian tombs; the expression De'eis thai selinon, "to need only parsley," was a euphemistic expression equivalent to "one foot in the grave." Throughout the centuries, the association lingered on, changing to suit the deities of the day. The Romans dedicated the herb to Persephone and to funeral rites; tradition held that it grew in abundance on Ogygia, the death island of Calypso; and early Christians consecrated it to Saint Peter, guardian of the gates of heaven."

"Parsley's long association with death led naturally to an association with evil, a fact that did not increase its popularity among medieval home gardeners. Dire consequences awaited those who were not fully aware of its powers. Virgins could not plant it without risking impregnation by Satan; a male head of household could plant it safely only on Good Friday, so that the Devil might have his share with impunity. Germination was slow because the seeds had to travel to hell and back two, three, seven, or nine times (depending on sources) before they could grow."

-- Dr. Berenbaum, University of Illinois Entomology Department

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