Stand On Your Head

Before you go to bed,
Stand on your head,
During the day,
Plan your way,
So, you climb some steps,
Instead of doing,
Reps., and reps., and reps.,
Try including,
Non-routine exercises,
In your routine.

Like the feat,
Of Milo of Crete,
No bull,
He was no fool,
Carried a calf everyday,
While it became a cow,
That's the way.
You should try that,
With your own baby?
It'll help keep ya',
From getting fat,
And, lazy.

Before you go to bed,
Stand on your head,
Your lower back,
And, stomach,
Work together,
Why bother?
If you slack,
You'll ache.

You're ready for bed,
Stand on your head!
With knees straight,
Don't hesitate,
To bring your toes,
Close to the floor,
Then, once more,

Make it happen!
Stand on your head,
It's nothing to dread,
And, who knows,
If all else fails,
It might abate,
What ails.

Stand On Your Head.mp3

You asked:
p.s. how many can you do standin' on your head?
I tried did not make it back up from the first attempt:[

I replied:

Well... I usually don't try to see how many... rather how well I can do 'em.
So, somewhere between 1 and 7 is usually enough.

It's that nice, slow steady movement that sync's the back and abs... probably the best thing you can do for your lower back. (There aren't that many lower back exercises.)

If done right, it is one exercise that works out all the major muscles... in short order (you can workout your whole body in 2-10 minutes.)

I also find, that unlike most exercises, it can be done before going to bed. The extra blood flow to the head seems to relax one.

If you start flat on your back...
slowly working your way to being rolled backward... with your feet touching the floor behind your head.
Then, roll around on your back.

This warm-up to standing on your head is a great way to give yourself acupressure / message (as well as, the "ying-yang" stretching needed for graceful headstanding exercises.)

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