KindVonMir.com is German for Child Of Mine. A child of mine will have roots that can easily be traced back to Clodius II, King of the West Franks (6 BC). Cloudius II is a descendant of Adam and Eve. Perhaps every child can trace their roots back to the beginning?
Somerled King Of The Isles (1158 AD)
Duncan I Eryvine, King Of England (1034 AD)
Rognvald I “The Wise” Eysteinsson Earl of More and Romsdal (830 AD)
Charlemagne King Of The Franks (742 AD)
Gerold I Count Of Vinzgau (710 AD)
Alpaide Concubine Of Austrasia (654 AD)
Eystein Adilsson King Of Sweden (594 AD)
Outeria Duchess Of Moselle (504 AD)
St. Columba, Cineal Conaill, the Tyrconell branch of Niall of the Nine Hostages (438 AD)
Basina Princess Of The Thuringians (398 AD)
Pharamond King Of France (370 AD)
Ynkvi King Of Turkey (aka Yngvi 193 AD)
Fornjotur King Of Kvenland (160 AD)
Halfilda Princess Of The RUGIJ (106 AD)
Godwulf Of Asgard (80 AD)
Clodius II Clodie, King Of The West Franks (6BC – 20AD)
Francus King of West Franks (24 BC – 11 BC)
Antharius King of Sicambria (50 BC – 39 BC)
Cassander (75 BC)
Merodochus (100 BC)
Clodimir II (125 BC)
Atenor 111 (150 BC)
Clodius (175 BC)
Marcomir II (200 BC)
Nicanor (225 BC)
Clodomir (250 BC)
Diocles (275 BC)
Helenes IV (325 BC)
Priam IV (350 BC
Atenor II (370 BC)
Marcomir I (395 BC)
Chief Priest of Ephraim (420 BC)
Artenor King of Cimmerians (443 BC)
Priam III (475 BC
Marcomir (505 BC)
Duluglio (535 BC
Plaserio III (570 BC)
Helenus 111 (605 BC)
Diluglic (640 BC)
Almadien (675 BC)
Getmalor (710)
Priam II (745 BC)
Alexandre (780 BC)
Basabiliano (815 BC)
Plesron (850 BC)
Helenus II (885 BC)
Priam I (920 BC)
Atenor I (950 BC)
Plaserio II (980 BC)
Gaberiano (1010 BC)
Eliacor (1040 BC)
Plesron (1070 BC)
Plaserio 1 (1100 BC)
Basabiliano (1130 BC)
Gelio (1160 BC)
Esdron (1190 BC)
Franco (1220 BC)
Genger (1250 BC)
Helenus I (1280 BC)
Priamos King of Troy (1320 BC – 1240 BC)
Laomendon (1380 BC)
Iilos oo Urydike (1440 BC)
Tros (1500 BC)
Erichtonios (1560 BC)
Dardo (1620 BC)
Zarah (1680 BC)
Judah (1750 BC)
Jacob (1825 BC)
Isaac (1900 BC)
Abraham (2000 BC)
Terah (2050 BC)
Nahor (2100 BC)
Serug (2150 BC)
Reu (2200 BC)
Peleg (2250 BC)
Eber (2300 BC)
Salah (2350 BC)
Arphared (2400 BC)
Shem (2443 BC)
Noah (2943 BC)
Lamech (3125 BC)
Methusala (3313 BC)
Enoch (3378 BC)
Jared (3540 BC)
Mahaleleel (3605 BC)
Cainan (3675 BC)
Seth (3870 BC)
Adam And Eve (4000 BC)
By Konstantin Miller, July 6, 2009 @ 6:37 pm
You know so many interesting infomation. You might be very wise. I like such people. Don’t stop writing.