From: Wiz
Subject: Getting to Know You
I guess one of you stopped in to visit my site as a result my filling
out your form on Membrane. I am really
impressed by your endeavor. It feels comfortable there and I find myself pondering
.......should I stop in
there again? I must have spent a few hours exploring so far.
Please let me know your thoughts concerning my first effort. Did you
navigate around my Page at all?
I was involved in a few major renovations in your back yard (down town
Philadelphia) a few years ago. I created the mechanical rehabilitation
plan and set minimum requirements for the lenders benefit on the
Suburban Station and Bellevue Hotel projects. As I remember Richard I.
Rubin, Inc. was the developer. I also did some equity due diligence work
for a re-finance of the King Of Prussia Mall.
I'm trying learn to send html or rich text attachments with Netscape
Communicator to enable easy cross platform communications.
I'm attaching a letter, sort of an invitation to selected prospective clients to
come visit my web site. So I can use the site as a brochure. I like
html better than pdf because everybody has a browser, not so arcobat
readers. Also, I like the practice of writing something in html. I'm
going to start foolin' around with Java and cgi's too. My equity
products will be offered on CD's soon. Since today is my birthday , I'm
catching up on the ol' learning curve.
Later tonight I'll go back to "Membrane". I revised and re-coded my
metaphysical article in html. It's titled "No Absolutes". This seems to
be my choice when ever I need an example to use in absorbing a new
application or language. Then I get caught up in editing and revising
(polishing) it. I still don't know why I wrote it , it just keeps on
evolving. I want to publish it electronically or better said, it wants
to be published and I want to experience electronic publishing. So far
playing, with the graphics, I got it down to just about One Meg
un-squeezed. All my utilities are for expanding bin hex, none for
compressing. I'm off to download something helpful.