PANIC! @ The Mind's Eye @
MegaEpix Enormous

FAQ On DaWall

Q: Hi. I'm a very dedicated Floydian, and have been for years. I appreciate your tribute to Pink Floyd, but I think that you have done the music injustice by tampering with it so. I'm writing this email under the assumption that you are responsible for the "Anudder Brick in Da Wall" page with the 41 minute video on it. If not, please excuse this and ignore it. If so, then I commend you on your talent, but I think that Pink Floyd needs to remain untampered with. Their style is very unique and nobody can play quite like the Floyd can. Please understand how this offends me and other devoted Floydians (whom I cannot speak for, but have heard many express equivalent opinions) and stop posting such material. Why not create a page dedicated to them instead, or post actual music videos? I hope you understand and do not take this the wrong way. That is exceptional talent, and once again, I appreciate what it appears you are trying to do. Thank you...

~Flipper aka DJ TriXen~


thank you for your input.

though i can't speak for all those involved, i would like to point out some interesting points:

  1. the artists could not help it. these were extemporaneous channelings.
  2. it is intended as a tribute site.
  3. part of the their "open source spiritualization effort" is to expose more generations to the wonder that was, is and always shall be... the pink floyd.
  4. another part of the open source spiritualization has to do with open-mindedness and syd.
  5. pink floyd, led zeppelin, and their contemporaries were all heavily influenced by those that came before them, too.
  6. the artists would have loved to make videos using the original pink floyd songs... but, it is against the laws of the USA.

please feel free to help us bring the site up to your standards. we'd love to have you join-in.

thank you,

ps. as far as i know, this was a one time phenomena. since this event took place 2 years ago, we've only been visited once more by the ghost of floyd. therefore, you shouldn't need to worry much about more postings to the internet.

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Climb on DaWall

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