Some Reasons Why You Should Give
(in no particular order)
- It is the right thing to do.
- I am begging you.
- The more you give, the more you
shall receive.
- A saintly portion of your money will go to
helping children. In particular, youth music and
athletic projects. What this does is help
people speak in a universal language --
supporting musicians, artists and dancers in big way.
(dream: If only we could all speak in a common tongue...
that is based on love, then... maybe?)
- A goodly portion of your money will go to It costs a lot of money to walk the walk.
They work diligently to help love overpower evil.
On a daily basis, scores of humans are fighting for you.
Would you consider helping them?
- The Interactive Game Development
may be closer to fact than fantasy? We have asked the
very best doctors, Phd's, scientist, computer programers,
and so on, to help us make it a reality. We don't have
a way to pay them.
- 0% of your money will be wasted. (as in,
none, nix, nil, nada, and nuttin')
- We hope to do all of this with the help of the undereducated,
underprivileged, undernourished, misunderstood and
those still in childhood. The world is our neighborhood.
Our combined mission is to make sure that our
children's children have a planet to occupy.
Thank you for your generosity.