The End

The End is a music group, band, video, movie project started in 1994.
The End is about the end of The End and something new... begins.

ComprehEnd... the End (lyrics and downloads) | ComprehEnd... the End (Spotify)

The End: Evolution of Man (lyrics and downloads) | Evolution of Man (Spotify)

The Rise of Public Sadism and Cruelty (lyrics and downloads) | The Rise of Public Sadism and Cruelty (Spotify)

The End... Seriously? (lyrics and downloads) | Seriously? (Spotify)

The End -- Of the Line (lyrics and downloads) | The End... Of the Line (Spotify) | The End... Of the Line II (Spotify)

The Rise of the Fall... The End (lyrics and downloads) | (Spotify)

The Apocalypse Handbook: Postponing and/or Preventing the End of Days (The End Of Times)

The Apocalypse MANual Manual (In case Of Emergency Break Glass)

Plan "B"

New Releases

The End Chronicles
The End Of The End... coming to a world near you.
-- The End