Mission Statement

King Arthur on Spotify

Featured Videos:

The Butterfly Effect / Be a Butterfly

Save Our Habitat! The Climate Crisis

Our climate model employs chaos theory to comprehensively consider human impacts and projects a potential global average temperature increase of 9℃ above pre-industrial levels. Global warming is a consequence of elevated thermal energy in the climate system, which comprises various subsystems. Chaos theory underscores the intricate and nonlinear nature of dynamic systems. Human well-being is compromised above a 1.5-degree temperature rise, rendering much of the Earth uninhabitable. A 9-degree Celsius increase would bring the Earth close to a wet-bulb temperature incapable of sustaining human life.

What Can I Do? There are numerous actions you can take to contribute to saving the planet. Each person bears the responsibility to minimize pollution, discontinue the use of fossil fuels, reduce consumption, and foster a culture of love and care. The Butterfly Effect illustrates that a small change in one area can lead to significant alterations in conditions anywhere on the globe. Hence, the frequently heard statement that a fluttering butterfly in China can cause a hurricane in the Atlantic. Be a butterfly and affect the world.

What you can do today. How to save the planet.

Play the Game of Living. $10,000 Reward.


Live From ! (Concert Coverage)

MegaEpix Enormous

Music: Records

Songs about: Science | Climate Change | Chaos Theory | Time | Dogs | Love | Freedom | Christmas

Camelot's Resurgence:
A Musical Odyssey Through Mythical Metaphors of Climate Change at the Round Table

Merlin's Magical Music Archive (MP4 Masters 2006 - present)

Backyard Bombardiers
Photography: Concerts, Events and Experiments | The Early Days On YouTube
Some Really Old Stuff and Really New, too
Some Old Media
Some Older Media
The Rock n' Roll Romper Room
FaceBook Page

Anti-IQ Tests:
The Great Race Against Time
Save Our Souls
The Sustainability Challenge
Don't Open Pandora's Box!
Free For All
SIDD: the Crazy Anagram Contest
The Labyrinth

The End

Contact Us

King Arthur and the Web:
She left the web, she left the loom,
She made three paces through the room,
She saw the water-lily bloom,
She saw the helmet and the plume,
She look'd down to Camelot.

Out flew the web and floated wide;
The mirror crack'd from side to side;
"The curse is come upon me," cried
The Lady of Shalott.

-- Tennyson, Lord Alfie

In Search of the Holy Grail
The Legend Of King Arthur
Family Tree
