Mission Statement

The West Chester "Footloose" Ordinance


WEST CHESTER, PA -- The Borough of West Chester, Pennsylvania passed an ordinance on October 18, 2016 that outlaws singing, dancing, acting, reading, juggling, magic, mimes and more. Unlike some "busking ordinances", this ordinance will criminalize these activities for every person.

BUSKING (OR PERFORM) -- includes, but is not limited to, the following activities: acting, singing, playing musical instruments, pantomime, juggling, magic, dancing, reading, puppetry, sidewalk art (working with non-permanent, water-soluble media, i.e., chalk, pastels, or watercolors directly on the pavement), and reciting.

For instance, if you allow a 5-year-old to color with chalk on the sidewalk without a license, you both will be breaking the law.

If you obtain a license to perform music and kids start dancing, they will be breaking the law. If you write music without a license and kids start dancing, you all will be breaking the law.

Should you and your friends attend a peace rally or sporting event and sing the "Star Spangled Banner", you will be breaking the law.

If you read the First Amendment, you will be breaking the law. For that matter, if you read the busking ordinance, you will be breaking the law.

Many performances are even banned if you have a permit. Under no circumstances can you read within a 100 feet of a library. Choirs are banned from singing within 100 feet of a church. No pantomime or magic is allowed near a hospital.

Two businesses (Penn's Table Restaurant and Malena's Vintage Boutique) along with the West Chester Business Improvement District (BID) appear to be behind the illegal passing of the unconstitutional law. Concerned citizens are boycotting these establishments.

West Chester Borough appears to have adopted the original draft busking ordinance despite public hearings, debates and votes to the contrary. On February 23, 2017, West Chester Borough published "Chapter 80: Peddling and Soliciting; Handbills and Posters; Busking -- Article III. Busking". The Borough's legal council stated many changes had been made, including:

However, the new ordinance was not advertised and was incorporated into Borough Code without incorporating the voted upon changes.
Read the West Chester Busking Ordinance (pdf)

On March 27, 2017, Borough Manager Michael Cotter stated, "The correct version is in the process of being posted."

September 27, 2017
Dear Mr. Cotter,
Quite some time has passed since the Borough published the wrong "busking ordinance". ( )

On March 27, 2017, you (Borough Manager Michael Cotter) stated, "The correct version is in the process of being posted." Since that time, reports of rogue police officers trying to enforce the wrong law have surfaced.

Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Mr. Cotter did not respond to our request. On October 2, Borough Manager Michael Cotter took an "indefinite leave of absence."

Related Articles:
Is Michael Cotter West Chester Borough Manager? October 6, 2017
West Chester Busking "Street Musician" Ordinance September 27, 2017
West Chester Outlaws Singing, Dancing and Pantomime March 27, 2017
West Chester Busking Ordinance Monday, September 19th, 2016
West Chester Busking Public Hearing Monday, July 25th, 2016
West Chester Borough Petition Against Busking Ordinance Saturday, July 16th, 2016
West Chester Busking Ordinance Borough Council Saturday, July 16th, 2016
West Chester Borough Busking Ordinance Saturday, July 9th, 2016
West Chester Busking Ordinance
West Chester Borough Busking Press Release
Letter To West Chester Borough

(Read More)

Contact Borough of West Chester: email

Also see"Hate Crimes, Human and Civil Rights Violations in West Chester, Pennsylvania"

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Gay Church is music made in America and forged on the First Amendment to the United States Constitution:
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

West Chester Police and the First Amendment West Chester Police and the First Amendment West Chester Police and the First Amendment West Chester Police and the First Amendment West Chester Police and the First Amendment West Chester Police and the First Amendment West Chester Police Sergeant Deighan West Chester Police and the First Amendment West Chester Police and the First Amendment

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