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Alexandra Palombit

Nightmares Unfolding
© Alexandra Palombit

trace the steps to where you lie,
kneel beside you, body shivering,
I will cover your tortured soul.

use the night,
escape reality,
still I see the way it haunts you
behind the darkness of your eyes.

remember the night, you told me shaking,
you dream of hearts and spades,
and splattered blood and tears.
and you were vague in description,
but it was always your heart that got struck,
your blood,
your tears.
and now tonight your dreams unfold.

trace the steps to where you lie,
kneel beside your covered soul,
remembering the night you said you dreamt of
hearts and spades and blood and tears,
and how vague you were in description,
how your lips crafted subtle lies,
with soft tears, for you, I bleed these words,
hope they seep through your dreams tonight,
“…the spades were in your hands”

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